Hi, I’m CeCe!

I’m a RYT 200 Hour Certified, Buti, & Shakti Yoga Instructor, who also dabbles in assisted healing by way of guided meditation, Sound Bowl Therapy, Reiki I & II, body affirmation, and body acceptance. I am a mom, lover, artist, plant hoarder, sister, and friend to many! Sensuality, self-love, and pure Shakti power are my jam!

I am here to shout from the mountain tops…Yoga is for everybody!!! I repeat, YOGA IS FOR EVERY BODY! It doesn’t matter what you look like, your skillset, your injuries, your past lives, your mistakes, what you know or don’t know, YOGA IS FOR YOU BOO! No matter if you’ve never stepped on a mat or if you have been practicing since you could stand, yoga is about continuously evolving internally and physically. It’s embracing and celebrating all the magic within and around you. There is nothing more that I’d love, than to share in that journey with you.

In my classes you can expect to hear the most eclectic style of music, all while connecting your mind, body, and soul with it’s greatest potential, a nice & juicy, good ol’ sweat, and so much more. Clarity, community, and pure magic happens every time you step on your mat, but that’s not me, that’s ALL YOU BABY! I am reflection of all the goodness that you are and I am so honored to share any moment with you.

Sign up for a class or a private session, email me, follow me, and feel free to enjoy the randomness of my blog linked above.

And…In case anyone hasn’t told you today, I love you and I’m only one click away!

Namaste :)